Sunday, February 09, 2025
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Attorney Contact Visitation Resumed

Attorney-client visitation has resumed at OJC. Visits through a glass partition may be conducted on the first floor of OJC in the release lobby, located at 2800B Perdio. Contact visitation can occur on the second floor of OJC after Zoom court is completed for the day. Video visitation remains available.

Visitation Registration Form

Visitor Registration

In Order to Proceed to the Registration Form, All Visitors are Required to Read and Accept the following Visitation Rules:


  • Visitors may visit only once per week and only once on the day of visitation

Dress Code:

  • The wearing of suggestive, revealing or otherwise inappropriate attire is strictly prohibited.
  • The wearing of clothing that potentially or partially conceals the identity of a person is strictly prohibited.

Prohibited attire includes:

  • Halter tops, half shirts and or tube tops.
  • See-thru (transparent) or spaghetti strap type garments.
  • Skirts, pants, or shorts above mid-thigh (hem length).
  • Tight fitting clothing that reveals body contour.
  • Clothing that exposes the midriff area, significant portions of the torso or shoulders, extremely low cut shirts of any type.
  • Torn/ripped clothing that exposes underwear or private areas of the body. Articles of underwear shall not be visible at anytime.
  • Tight fitting Spandex clothing of any type (i.e. shirts, pants, jogging attire).
  • Headwear of any type (i.e. caps, hats, hoodies).
  • Any other clothing that is otherwise clearly inappropriate as determined by OPSO staff.

Metal Detector:

All visitors and their possessions entering OPSO will be screened for contraband. Failure to successfully clear the metal detector or fulfill any other screening requirement will constitute grounds for being denied a visit or entrance into the facility. Inmate, visitor, community, and staff safety are the primary reasons for the search process.

Phone Calls:

All calls from the Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office made by an inmate are recorded and may be monitored.

General Visiting Regulations:

  • Inmates are allowed up to three visitors with active status on their visitation list.

  • Parents must keep their children with them at all times. Parents who are unwilling or unable to control their children will be asked to leave. There will be no exceptions.
  • NO cameras, video equipment, or cell phones are allowed past the metal detectors or in the visiting room.
  • No food or drink may be brought into the facility, other than a bottle for a small child.
  • OPSO is a non-smoking facility. Tobacco products, matches, and lighters are not allowed past the metal detectors or in the visiting room.
  • Valid, unexpired photo I.D. is required.
  • The dress code requirements must be met by all visitors at all times.
  • No one who appears to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs will be allowed to visit or enter the facility lobby.
  • Use of obscene language or disorderly behavior as determined by OPSO staff members will not be permitted..

Adhere To Visiting Regulations: 

Visitors are expected to adhere to all visiting regulations established by the institution. Any violation of visiting regulations or act which jeopardizes the safe and orderly operation of the facility may result in the denial of current and future visiting privileges and/or criminal prosecution. A visitor’s visiting privileges may be suspended for a designated or indefinite period of time at the discretion of the Warden or designee. Upon expiration of the suspension, the visitor may reapply for visiting privileges in writing to the Warden.

Denial/Suspension Of Visiting Privileges:

If one or more of the following conditions exists it may serve as grounds to suspend/deny visiting privileges:

  • The visitor has a record of disruptive conduct, or violates institutional visiting policies.
  • The visitor is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • The visitor refuses to submit to a search, to show proper identification upon request, or presents inaccurate information concerning his/her identification, or grounds for visiting.
  • The visitor fails to comply with dress code regulations.
  • The visit is determined to be detrimental to the inmate’s rehabilitation.
  • The visitor is a former inmate and has not been released from custody for at least 60 days or is currently on probation or parole and does not have approval of the Warden to visit.
  • Individuals seeking an exception to this policy must submit a written request to the Warden or designee. Each request will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and approved or disapproved accordingly.
  • The visitor is a present or former employee who has not received official authorization to visit an inmate from the Warden prior to the time of the visit.
  • The inmate wished to deny the visit.
  • The visitor fails to follow directions from staff.

Professional Visiting Rooms:

  • The facility has professional interview rooms available for use by the professional community (attorney’s, bondsmen, law enforcement officials, licensed private investigators, approved counselors, approved clergy, approved medical professionals, approved media representatives, and approved paralegals). A paralegal must have a letter of authorization from a verified attorney on the attorney’s letterhead indicating that the paralegal is a representative of the attorney, which shall be verified prior to the authorized use of an interview room.
  • There is no limit to the number of professional visits an inmate may receive. It is encouraged that professional visits occur during normal business hours, subject to space availability, whenever possible. The Warden reserves the discretionary authority to restrict, deny, or suspend the professional visiting privileges of any professional visitor whenever necessary to ensure the security, safety, and good order of the institution.   
  • Professional visitors as with other visitors are required to show a valid picture I.D. before they may access the professional visiting area. Additionally, attorney’s names should appear in the current edition of the “State’s Bar Association” manual/website. All professional visitors must sign in/out of the facility, in the appropriate log located at the visiting desk.

I certify that I have read and accept the above rules for visitors.

Continue to Registration Form

Medical Inmate Advocate

If you have a medical question about an inmate, call the Medical Inmate Advocate at 504-202-9451.

The Medical Inmate Advocate is an experienced OPSO nurse who will investigate your concern and call you back. If you wish to provide medical information about an inmate, call the Medical Inmate Advocate. Medical confidentiality is maintained, but your concerns will be addressed.


Inmate Phone Services


OPSO Facilities

Orleans Justice Center (OJC)
2800 Perdido St.
New Orleans, LA 70119
View Map

Temporary Detention Center (TDC)
3200 Perdido St
New Orleans, LA 70119
View Map

Report Abuse & Sexual Assaults


All family, friends, and attorneys should report immediately any information about inmate-against-inmate sexual abuse, sexual harassment or staff-against-inmate sexual relationships, sexual harassment and sexual misconduct.  Help the OPSO promote sexual safety and report these incidents confidentially to our sexual abuse hotline:

1-844-201-4312 or (504) 717-2279

Protecting and Serving the Parish of Orleans

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